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Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008

Being Healthy With Help Of Wii Fit.

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I have been online with the Internet for a long time, I do many activities when online, including blogs, check my email, chat with my friends and also buy goods through Internet (online shopping), there are many addresses on the Internet that offer various goods and send them to buyers. My family was the lover of the video games, so I always buy the latest video games for me and for my family. Last day I have bought Playstation 3. I buy this equipment online via a wiki shop, a place that provides video games most complete. In this online shop offer hundreds until thousands things of your needs, you only just search and there are something�s about you type.

For you Nintendo Wii fans can buy a Wii Fit here, more over here also was gotten various things games. You can search and select various games with cheaper prices than online stores other.

Besides that, to improve your health, you can buy a Wii Fit With Fitness Board, with these games you can monitor your health because these games are equipped with a fitness board, and with this board you can measure your BMI (Body Mass Index). So other than the joy you also can be a healthy while play with this games.

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Nyeri Perut Sebelah Kanan .

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Perut kita adalah organ yang berongga, jadi didalamnya terdapat bermacam-macam organ yang terletak pada posisinya masing-masing, pada perut sebelah kanan dibagian atas terdapat organ Hati, Kandung Empedu, Ginjal, Usus kecil dan Usus Besar, sedangkan pada sbelah kanan di bagian bawah terdapat Usus Besar, Usus Buntu / Appendix, Saluran kencing, dan khusus pada wanita terdapat Saluran Indung Telur.

Jadi kalau kita mengalami nyeri perut di sebelah kanan, tinggal melihat bagian atas atau bawah, bila yang nyeri bagian atas, kemungkinan yang mengalami gangguan adalah organ-organ yang terletak pada bagian kanan atas tadi, diantara berbagai organ tadi, yang paling sering terjadi gangguan pada sebelah kanan atas adalah Gangguan Hati, Radang pada kandung empedu akibat adanya batu, serta kadang-kadang bisa terjadi radang usus kecil. Tetapi kalau tempat nyeri berada agak ditengah dan rasa nyerinya sampai menembus kebelakang, bisa-bisa organ Ginjal yang lagi mengalami masalah.

Sedangkan bila nyeri timbul di sebelah kanan bawah, penyebab yang paling sering adalah radang dari usus buntu / Appendicitis, kemudian penyebab lain yang cukup sering adalah infeksi saluran kencing, atau pada wanita patut dicurigai adanya radang saluran indung telur.

Untuk membedakan antara usus buntu dengan infeksi saluran kencing yaitu :
Pada usus buntu gejala yang menyertai adalah demam, bisa juga disertai rasa mual sampai muntah dan kadang bisa juga disertai diare, biasanya nyeri yang timbul kuat sekali sampai si penderita selalu membungkukkan badannya karena menahan nyeri di bagian perut kanan bawah.
Sedangkan pada infeksi saluran kencing biasanya adalah sering kencing, rasa nyeri bila kencing, juga rasa perih pada waktu kencing, juga bisa disertai demam tinggi dan rasa mual muntah juga. Gambaran diatas untuk membantu mengenali apabila ada gangguan disekitar daerah tersebut, untuk memastikannya masih memerlukan pemeriksaan lain yang lebih teliti dan sebaiknya berkonsultasi dengan dokter anda.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Get Better Nose With Rhinoplasty.

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Every people certainly have nose, although his form differed but his function same that is as the entry and out way of air when we breathed. In several people can occur some deviation in the nose. And this is makes difficult to breathe. The difference often occurs usually associated with the form of nasal anatomy. To improve the deviation as being needed an action that was called Rhinoplasty or Plastic Surgery of The Nose.

There are several form deviations of the nose that is asymmetric nostrils, twisted nose, saddle nose, short nose, and others. In Beverly Hills, California have an institute that especially played a role in Rhinoplasty and Nasal Reconstruction. This Institute was headed by a doctor of the plastic operation who was expert in the field of Rhinoplasty, especially Revision Rhinoplasty, He was Dr. Azizzadeh.

In addition to improving the functions of the nose this institute will also serve a variety of operations that is the operation to change the form of nose and so forth, so if you want a different form of nose and better nose can visit here. In here, there are various forms of the perfect nose to your satisfaction, and Dr. Azizzadeh could help you to get the form of your dream nose through Primary Rhinoplasty. If you felt your nose was too big or your nose less sharp, please go to this place immediately. By eliminating 1 day to carry out this operation, then your nose will be seen perfect, of course, require some time after the operation for nose into the perfect shape, and after an operation will be swelling first. This is normal condition after an operation.

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Don't Worry With Bell's Palsy.

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I had neighbor that really close. Several days ago suddenly he experienced paralysis in one side of his faces, so as he could not eat/drank comfortably because feel difficulty to swallow, in fact spoke also rather unclear. Apparently he suffered Bell�s Palsy.

Afterwards he immediately go to emergency room to be checked, he was immediately examined complete to know whether having the other cause that result in bell palsy, that was examined including the HIV test, Thyroid Function Test, and Hepatitis. Also to be consulted to ENT specialist to confirm did not have the other cause except bell palsy.

In fact what is Bell�s Palsy ? bells palsy happened resulting from Nerve Cranialis number 7 or called Nerves Facialis experienced paralysis in one-sided. This Nerves control our face muscles in right and left. So these nerves controlled the movement from our face muscle. If these nerves were paralyzed, then the side of the face that controlled by these nerves will experience paralysis or could not be moved.

Until now the cause of this disease was not known definitely, but for sufferer this disease might not worry, because this disease could be cured and was restored as usual. For sufferer this disease could try Facial Nerve Retaining and Therapy to get perfect results.

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